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an hour ago by hellbannedguy

Out of all the celebrities, Bourdain would have viscerally despised this.

He hated fake phoney people, or food.

He hated when his production crew would stovepipe his bits.

He hated a scene in Greese (I believe) where crew went out and bought squid, and threw them into the water to made the shoot better.

I really liked Bourdain. He was one of the few celebrities that didn't seem to change with fame, or money.

I watched him for years, and knew he was unhappy, but never thought suicide unhappy.

an hour ago by two2two

After reading his books, I would agree and was hoping someone had posted this. If anyone would vehemently oppose such manipulation, it would be Anthony Bourdain. Is there a disclaimer before this scene is shown? I'll choose not to watch such a documentary created by those with skewed ethics.

27 minutes ago by AutumnCurtain

There does not seem to be any disclaimer regarding the manipulation, and the OP article questions whether the director would even have mentioned it had it not come up tangentially in the course of this interview.

an hour ago by ceocoder

Just quick context on the squid bit: it wasnā€™t Tonyā€™s crew (zero point zero productions), it was the combination of local fixers/boat folks who wanted to make it look like they caught fish.

42 minutes ago by holler

Funny enough, him describing the ploy while sort of mocking it as it happened led to an enjoyable moment in that episode (imo). It showcased his humility, and ability to make the most out of a situation while not taking himself too seriously.

27 minutes ago by ceocoder

Thing is, more I rewatch his shows, all of his comments about depression and anger have taken a really somber tone now given what we know. I wish someone was there with him to help him through through that time.

His death really affected me in a deep way I didnā€™t expect. I miss him so much.

33 minutes ago by distrill

That's one of my favorite scenes. He is so angry drunk and it's his birthday and you can tell he doesn't like the chef at all (the chef is the same guy who took them out "fishing" earlier in the day).

an hour ago by jacobkg

Agree 100%. Also just watched this episode last night, it was Sicily (Season 2)

an hour ago by basisword

Important to point out it wasnā€™t the crew faking the scene. The guy that took him fishing had a friend throwing squid in, unashamedly. They showed the guy on camera. There was no attempt at trickery from the people producing the show.

2 hours ago by yohannparis

As a viewer of the documentary, I will love that effect instead of a bland voice-over. But a note should be added on the screen that the voice is AI-generated. Like when they say a war video is a reenactment.

2 hours ago by jamestimmins

Agreed, this whole issue could be solved with a message before the film runs about how the voiceover is created, and then a "recreation" label during that scene.

39 minutes ago by ghaff

Disclaimers help. And it's not like they were making up words. But I still feel it was probably a poor creative choice.

2 minutes ago by KONAir

I suppose a spoken line at the begining along the lines of it is not that person, but a generated voice, would be the best solution.

an hour ago by pankajdoharey

It would be interesting to see if recreating songs is possible, if so i would like to hear the voice of Jim morrison and Curt Cobain.

39 minutes ago by genewitch

I have a machine with two GPUs and a frozen OS with a tensorflow python app that clones voices, and I'd say the quality passes if you run it through a phone bandpass filter.

I've had an idea to use propellerhead recycle to chop the output cloned voice into syllables, and then "play" the chopped parts in rhythm, through autotune.

The issue is you get Eifel 65 sounding autotune if your base vocals are monotonic or way off key. The only way I can think of fixing this is to use something like audacity's pitch changer that doesn't affect the speed of the sample - rough the lyrical tones in with audacity/recycle, then autotune it where it needs to go.

I'd like to say I'm too busy to get this workflow going, but mostly I'm lazy and someone else will do it first - and better - I can't improve the AI cloning software.

20 minutes ago by dkdbejwi383

> The only way I can think of fixing this is to use something like audacity's pitch changer that doesn't affect the speed of the sample

Check out Ableton Liveā€™s ā€œSimplerā€

44 minutes ago by caseyohara

an hour ago by rbalicki

https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/nirvana-ku... I don't remember if these songs had lyrics, but there are AI generated songs in the style of Cobain and Jim Morrison

44 minutes ago by rbalicki

Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1-B3M_KaRQ

It does contain lyrics, but the singing is not AI generated.

12 minutes ago by httpz

There are ethical concerns but I think we'll just learn to live with it. Forging signatures are easy and have been around forever but signatures are still used for very important purposes (even electronically now!). It may take a while for the legal system to catch up and using voice recordings as evidence may be tricker than before.

But on a more exciting front, I think synthetic voice can be made like fonts. Celebrities and voice actors will be able to sell their synthetic voice like how fonts are sold today. You'll be able to change the voice of your Alexa, Siri to a voice you downloaded from a marketplace. Netflix may even let you select the narrator's voice for your favorite documentary. Hundreds of years later, people may be watching a documentary in Morgan Freeman's voice while having no idea that he was actually a famous actor in the past.

11 minutes ago by cududa

In my old SF neighborhood, heā€™d always come to a bar there whenever he was in SF. As someone that played a lot of dominoes with him and heard lots of his opinions on most tech folks, Iā€™m gonna go ahead and say this guys going to be haunted by Tony

10 minutes ago by iandanforth

This recently got worse, they claimed to have the OK from his widow. Turns out not so much ...


2 hours ago by nsomaru

A deepfake audio + video with mask of the mayor of ethekwini was used to encourage people to continue looting during recent riots in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Itā€™s scary.

an hour ago by jsonne

Do you have a source? That's wild if true.

an hour ago by somehnacct3757

They probably knew some people wouldn't like it, which is exactly why they used it, because look at all the free publicity they're getting now.

38 minutes ago by mcculley

This is an interesting problem. I thought and wrote a little about this a few years ago: https://enki.org/2017/03/02/historical-narrators/

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