Hacker News

26 minutes ago by latenightcoding

I have been wild camping a lot recently and I'm more curious about how they get enough drinkable water for everyone.

7 minutes ago by aunty_helen

The article mentions Choco, the wettest place in the world. Daily rainfall and a banana leaf should do you right.

12 minutes ago by ruined

if you have a day or two in one spot, it's easy enough to purify surface water with a 50-gallon food-grade drum for settling and a few capfuls of bleach. they operate in pretty remote wilderness and may even be upstream of the cocaine labs where there won't be too much contamination.

the process can be accelerated with a simple gravel and sand filter, and if you're thirsty enough nobody really minds crunchy water

an hour ago by munk-a

It's particularly interesting to me how their meals shifted when changing war circumstances forced them into more conservative cooking setups. But I really enjoyed this article for the look into sustenance cooking while trying to remain low profile.

I am quite curious if the flour they acquired was hand-ground in querns out of rice and corn or if it was one of the "luxuries" they had to trade for.

2 hours ago by timmyztimmyz

Rachel Maddow calls for "non-violent" direct action against the Arizona Audit.


When will someone lock up this commie bitch.

2 hours ago by FigmentEngine

Never really understood how they fed them on Hoth either.

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